What Does Today’s Customer Expect and Want More Of?

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todays customer fi - Customer expect

For a moment, consider your own buying habits. If you buy for a quality experience, you’re not alone. In a 2018 survey by Gladly’s, 92% of customers said that they would stop purchasing from a company upon receipt of a poor level of service. Here are 3 ways you can ensure you’re providing a service experience that you can be proud of.

1. Integrate a digital experience (This is something we’re working on here at REV)

According to Pew Research Center, over 90% of Americans own a smartphone of some type and, according to Forbes, we spend, on average, 12 hours a day in front of screens! Research, quoting and point of sale can now all be completed with a few clicks of a button. Deliver an experience that shows you understand & are willing to invest in the most efficient purchasing processes out there.

2. Diagnose before you prescribe

There’s a good reason Dale Carnegie made such a big deal of this concept in his novel, How to Win Friends and Influence People. In today’s fast paced sales, information now age, it’s more important than ever to quickly find out what products will meet the needs of your audience. Slick salespeople bow to those who know how to ask the right questions, and subsequently identify needs.

3. Make It Easy

A recent survey by Bain indicates that insurance customers value ease of use and quality over anything else. Have you ever been transferred from customer service to manager, only to have to tell the same story twice, or more? How exasperating!

People don’t like repeating their problems! Some sales tactics rely on this transfer to someone with more power…quit upsetting your customers! Instead – empower your people to solve problems, without the transfer :).

Next steps: Record customer feedback, and act on their suggestions – you’ll be well on your way to an exceptional customer experience.