Silence Your Lizard Brain, and SHIP OFTEN!

Rev Favicon

About 10 years ago – while engaged in a project that HAD to be a success, I came across Seth Godin’s Linchpin & committed to silencing my lizard brain, and to SHIPPING OFTEN. It turned out well for me, and I wanted to share the wealth. The message has had an equal personal relevance years later. believe it will be very much worth your 18 minutes.

In a world brimming with distractions and doubts, there’s a simple yet profound concept that can drive personal and professional success: silencing your lizard brain and shipping often. About a decade ago, while embroiled in a project that held the weight of must-win success, I stumbled upon Seth Godin’s groundbreaking book, “Linchpin.” It was in those pages that I discovered the power of overcoming the resistance to create and share your work with the world.

Seth Godin’s Linchpin philosophy encourages us to be indispensable, to bring our unique talents to the forefront, and to overcome the relentless voice of self-doubt – our lizard brain. This shift in mindset proved transformative for me, and I made a commitment to put this wisdom into practice by embracing the notion of “shipping often.”

Shipping often isn’t just about completing projects or sending out work; it’s about cultivating a mindset of continual progress and growth. It’s about recognizing that perfectionism and procrastination are the adversaries of achievement. Instead, it encourages us to embrace imperfection, to learn from mistakes, and to keep moving forward.

Over the years, I’ve found that this message has retained its personal relevance, standing the test of time. It’s not merely a lesson for a specific project but a life philosophy that can guide us through various endeavors.

In this 18-minute journey, I share the wisdom I’ve gained from Seth Godin’s Linchpin and my experiences with silencing the lizard brain. I believe it will be worth your time – a valuable investment in your personal and professional growth. So, join me in the quest to silence that inner critic, conquer self-doubt, and make a commitment to ship often. Your journey toward becoming a linchpin in your field starts here.